A night of celestial exploration from the comfort of your mat. A powerful breathwork beginning to cleanse and reset your nervous system. A cosmic yoga nidra meditation from the depth of your desires and straight to your heart. Reiki healing to recover and recharge your whole being as you continue your journey with cosmic beats and the salve of sound.
I invite you to join me and a special guest, Lisbon’s own, Luis Breatho. We're taking you on a trip to the cosmos with the help of carefully curated healing practices. By remaining open and curious, you’ll take a deep dive to those places within you where comfort and ease rest. Those parts that guard your alignment. Those habits, thoughts and behaviours that you have outgrown. We’re going there. Together. To meet them. To thank them for serving us. And to leave them behind as we clear the space for new experiences, new health, new wellbeing. To return grounded, rested and whole.
We are bursting with planetary joy to meet you and welcome you! Just as you are. Whole.
A Journey to the Cosmos and Back
Additional info:
The event is suitable for adults.
The event is suitable for people with specific mobility needs.
The event is not a replacement for individual therapy or consultation.
These practices are extremely healing in nature and are offered with the greatest respect. If you experience severe anxiety, shortness of breath or any other medical condition, please consult your doctor before participating in a breathwork practice.
The event is suitable for anyone who is able to lie down or sit down for the duration of the practice.
As your hosts we aim to offer you a safe space where you can just turn as you are.
No previous knowledge or experience of any of the practices is required.
If all you do is join us to have a cosy snooze, then please join us to have a cosy snooze.
Pictures and/or recordings might be taken to use for promotional purposes. If you would rather not be photographed, in any capacity, please let us know on arrival.
Reiki & Yoga Nidra with a special treat of Breathwork and Sound Healing

Place: Little Yoga Space Lisboa, R. da Assunção 42, 1100-044 Lisboa
Date: Saturday, 11th June
Time: 18:00-20:00
Contribution: €32 Early Bird until 5th June. €37 from 6th June.
Luis Breatho is a Musician, Sound Healer and Breathwork Facilitator whose breathwork is always surprising. He uses handpans, didgeridoo, crystal bowls and the power of the voice.
He adds humour and a range of rhythms that go from meditative to tribal, from relaxing to inner dancing. All of this revolves around different breathing techniques, which aim to open inner doors to a new way of being healthy.
Or simply being.
You can connect with Luis on Instagram @luis_breatho
Martina is the Creator of Yoga Time YAY! A place for yoga, cooking and healing practices for children, teens and families to inspire curiosity, creativity and connection.
She is a certified Family Yoga Teacher, a Yoga Nidra and EFT (Tapping) Facilitator, a Second Degree Reiki Practitioner and an Astrologer.
Martina believes wholeness is the essence of wellness and shares the practices that make her feel as she was meant to. Whole.
You can connect with Martina on Instagram @yoga_time_yay
We are thrilled to have you join us! It is our intention that by choosing us to guide you, only your and our highest good will be served. Thank you. And so it is!

Download your FREE printable e-workbook for your younger yogi called The "Seasons In Me".
It includes yoga poems, creative activities and not a plank in sight. Enjoy!
Pens and pencils not included. No spamming either. YAY!