Exploring all things wholeness - for little bodies and BIG minds!
The Four Chambers of the Heart
The Open Heart is our inner child. That spontaneous, fun loving energy that's full of zest, that has curiosity running through its veins and the trust in the goodness of everything around. When this is out of harmony or wounded, our life loses its sparkle, we become self-conscious and closed off to experiences that once upon a time might have been pleasurable. We pull the curtains, turn the light off and shut our eyes. It's a painful and lonely place to be. Getting it back into balance requires us to make the conscious choice that "I am the voice of my approval." - Sonia Choquette. Not an easy feat!
To empower ourselves again, we start off by embodying the inner child through movement - it's our natural expression! Sighing out and smiling, laughing with endearment, dancing to our once-favourite song, singing out loud, playing games and perhaps the most challenging of all - distancing ourselves from people and circumstances that are unsafe or no longer relevant to our experience, are all things we can try in turn to bring our inner child back to life! To fuel some of that inner roar and to nurture ourselves back to balance.
How do you nourish your child within?
Stay tuned for Part 2 on The Clear Heart - the Inner Adult. In the meantime head over to @yoga_time_yay to stay updated on the latest stories and inspired adventures.
Part 1
The four chambers of the heart each carry a separate vibration and significance. Here we'll look at the first two, The Open Heart and The Clear Heart, as inspired by the work of Sonia Choquette.
2nd February, 2022
by Yoga Time YAY!